Without it, anything you do in the care of your skin is wasted and builds an imperfect foundation.
In order to maintain healthy, youthful skin, it is essential to remove every last trace of make-up, sunscreen, pollutants, and any other kind of dirt or soil that can get on your face throughout the day.
The secret to powerful yet gentle twice daily cleansing and exfoliation:
Cleansing with the #1 Cream Cleanser softens any dead skin cells that may be remaining on the skin’s surface. Its been prepped to be lifted by the lathered #2 Lathering Cleanser and rinsed and wiped away. The ingredients in the #2 Lathering Cleanser also help to gently disinfect your skin by reducing excess bacteria growth that accumulate naturally throughout the day and while you sleep.
As your skin sheds its skin cells mostly during your sleep as it works to renew itself. The double cleansing done in the morning helps remove dead skin cells and the double cleansing done before your sleep, helps the skin renew itself. By working with the skin’s natural system and cycle, the double cleansing method helps the skin renew – helping the skin to wrinkle less by helping the skin stay resilient and by helping the skin produce maintain its natural collagen production. It’s the fundamental, often missed important skin care process that necessary in any effective anti-aging skin care.
We know the answer! Since 1932, we’ve done it together with our lifelong customers for over 90 years. Its our double cleanse method that not only cleanses your skin without irritation, it also exfoliates gently, preparing your skin to efficiently absorb nourishment and bond with the protective, hydrating emulsion on your skin that results in reduced:
Cleansing your skin twice daily with the Metrin Double Cleansing Duo will help your skin reflect light and bring youthful radiance to your skin, so much so that customers who use the Metrin Skincare System often only uses a blush and a lipstick to show case the beautiful appearance of their Metrin healthy, glowing, cleansed skin. There is a reason why our customers appear to age less!
The first cleanse: Oil based cleanser to remove dirt, make-up and oils on the skin.
It doesn’t make sense to clean the skin without gently removing accumulated atmospheric dirt, applied make-up and natural oils secreted by your skin. Left unremoved, they become food for excess bacteria growth on your skin, upsetting the natural balance of your skin and weakening of your skin’s protective acid mantle.
The Cream Cleanser cleans away airborne impurities, atmospheric soil and make-up while gently nourishing and moisturising your skin.
Particles of oil are much smaller than particles of soil and other environmental impurities so, when applied to the skin, Deep Cleanser quickly flows around all particles of soil and impurities for easy removal. This is called colloidal flotation and helps to gently remove atmospheric soil, blackheads and make-up without any irritating or harmful rubbing and scrubbing.
Its not alkaline like most cleansers and soap. Your skin will feel the difference!
Cleansing with the #1 Deep Cleanser softens any dead skin cells that may be remaining on the skin’s surface. Its been prepped to be lifted by the lathered #2 Lathering Cleanser and rinsed and wiped away. The ingredients in the #2 Lathering Cleanser also help to gently disinfect your skin by reducing excess bacteria growth that accumulate naturally throughout the day and while you sleep.
Lathering Cleanser helps the skin gently remove dead skin cells and replace its surface layer faster, giving your face a fresh, clean and radiant glow.
The bubbles formed by this product work to cleanse deep into your pores, removing bacteria and dead skin cells from your skin and leaving you with a clean, fresh feeling. Bacteria is responsible for many unsightly problems on your skin but this cleanser helps to remove it and holds any remaining bacteria inactive for up to 12 hours.